Alright! A lot has happened in the last few weeks, and I have been lagging like crazy on getting to it all.
Group Rides
I’ve been on many rides in the past few weeks:
– SoCal Super Squad Temecula Ride – Temecula, CA
– Coronado After-Hours Ride – San Diego, CA
– Downtown LA Ride- Los Angeles, CA
– Suburban Assault Ride/Killer Klown – Santa Clarita, CA
– #BayAreaSuperSquad Group Ride – San Mateo
– SF Assault/Frank Group Ride – San Francisco
– BaeSk8 2nd Annual Labor Day Sunrise – San Francisco
O_O So many rides, so much video. Oh and speaking of video I have a lot of video to go through and edit, and oh I do videos now!
Here is a video from the Temecula ride; I’m totally lagging on videos right now because I’m still getting used to incorporating 360 videos into my workflow.
I like to edit linearly as well as release videos linearly, so that the videos you see will always be in the order I rode them. I have the San Deigo video just about done and I am looking to upload that this week for you viewing pleasure.
A big shout out to my boy Jay Toreza for pushing me to do more than just blogging. Links to his social media:


More about the group rides
Temecula, California: Hot, sweaty, hot, really cool road trip to meetup with the SoCal crew.
San Diego, CA: Warm, humid, relaxing, it was only Jay and myself, but the views were just amazing.
Los Angeles, California: Very hot, Jurrasic Park, ramen, and the most awesome tunnel run ever!
Santa Clarita, CA: Golden hour serenity, perfect riding weather, killer klown will come for us all in the end
San Mateo, CA: record high temps, 30+ riders, visit from the police, really really awesome group ride
San Francisco, CA: Frank visited from SoCal, it was smokey, Seniorie’s pizza is the best, we didn’t make it to Lombard, BBQ and beer afterwards was great.
San Francisco, CA: My foot hurt bad, my brakes were gone, I made it up the hill before sunrise, the bike lane on the bridge was closed, made it back to my car 🙂
Yes these are all non-sequitur, but they’ll all make sense once I release the videos.
Fundraising update

Thanks to my friends and family supporting me through direct donations as well as t-shirt and sticker sales I met my modest goal for $500! I reached my personal donation goal on August 31st and immediately claimed my Great Cycling Challenge Jersey which came in on the 5th! The Jersey is very…flattering on my body, but nonetheless it’s the right size and it is awesome.
Mile Goal

The challenge has officially started and so far I’ve done 85 out of 400 miles. I had originally pledged 200 miles but after looking at the group ride schedule for September I decided I could do better. As a team we’ve completed 177 out of 800 miles, so all in all about 25% of the way to the mile-goal after a week of riding.
Next Group Ride

Our next group ride will be on Sunday, September 20th. More information about the ride can be found here:
Group Ride Info